Laboratory of Advanced Imaging in Medicine (AIM Lab)

The Laboratory of Advanced Imaging in Medicine (AIM Lab), directed by Dr Jianpan Huang, is a research team at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology of The University of Hong Kong for research focusing on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer, Medical Image Analysis, and Artificial Intelligence since its founding in 2023.

Available Positions

We are looking for PhD Students to join our research team. If you are interested, please send an email containing your CV and a short overview of your research background to Dr. Jianpan Huang ( Note that I may not respond to all applicants due to the limited capacity.

Contact Us

Name: Dr. Jianpan Huang; Tel: (+852) 28170373; Email:; Address: LG3, 5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong